Artificial intelligence helps to learn better Does artificial intelligence (AI) help to learn better? Definitely yes. In the digitalization of learning content, TÜV Rheinland Academy is increasingly focusing on automation through AI – and can, therefore, now deliver its training videos in up to 38 languages for international training. Learners are addressed in their native language. Learning could hardly be better. Posted on 23. September 20202. December 2021 by Holger Offermanns
Virtual classrooms in vocational training Companies and their trainees in technical professions also suffer from Corona. TÜV Rheinland Academy, as a leading provider of technical competence development, has therefore expanded its worldwide TVET services. Welders and electrical engineers are now also learning their trades in virtual classrooms. The solution: simulations shorten practical exercises. Posted on 17. September 20202. December 2021 by Carlo Humberg
Online certification now also available Personnel certifications by TÜV Rheinland are now also accessible as secure online certification – via online proctoring worldwide. This is TÜV Rheinland Academy and PersCert TÜV’s response to how the Corona-related lockdown has changed the way of life of students and those who pursue adult education and certification in almost all countries. Posted on 3. September 20202. December 2021 by Susan Martin
Virtual classrooms are the future Virtual classrooms have been around for a long time, but since Corona, they have become even more popular. Providers of further education like TÜV Rheinland Academy digitalized their regular seminar offer within a short time and modified the training methods and didactics. Posted on 26. August 20202. December 2021 by Reiner Leitner
I/O psychologists in times of Corona: now more important than ever Whether home office or office presence: one of the most essential elements of effective crisis management is regular contact between managers and their employees. An I/O psychologist can advise companies on how best to conduct such discussions and which aspects need to be considered depending on the communication channel. Posted on 24. March 20202. December 2021 by Iris Dohmen
The future of work 2030: The machine thinks, the human steers The potential for future collaboration between humans and artificial intelligence (AI), robots, mobile end devices for augmented reality, and blockchain can already be seen in the existing basic technologies. This leads to an increase in work productivity, a better working environment, and more intensive employee retention. Posted on 10. March 20202. December 2021 by Markus Dohm
Specialists recruited worldwide by TÜV Rheinland The international recruitment of specialists, developed by TÜV Rheinland Academy at the end of 2019, is flourishing magnificently. Alongside Hyundai, Viasona, a 100 percent Mercedes subsidiary, has now joined the project. The first automotive mechatronics technicians were placed at Mercedes. Talks are underway with the first BMW pilot dealers about strategic cooperation in Germany and Great Britain. Posted on 2. March 20202. December 2021 by Thomas Bastian
How failures can drive innovation People make mistakes. But: mistakes are valuable when causers and their organizations learn from them. However, this requires a culture of failure and learning. This is the only way to prevent repetitions and minimize financial and reputational damage. A culture of error and learning becomes a critical success factor for the introduction of agile corporate structures. Posted on 11. November 20192. December 2021 by Markus Dohm
Digital workplace: Employees need skills and mindset Mobility, flexibility, and networked cooperation play an essential role in today's world of work. Companies can better meet these challenges by introducing the Digital Workplace. The Digital Workplace is a central work environment that employees can access from any location and at any time. Posted on 25. October 20192. December 2021 by Markus Dohm
Blended learning: great opportunities for competence development Blended learning offers do not only increase the flexibility of knowledge transfer. They also pave the way for lower costs within the company and greater learning success for employees. In the USA, the proportion of company training hours almost doubled from 35 percent to 69 percent in 2018. Posted on 15. October 20192. December 2021 by Tobias Kirchhoff